
CSP: Your Go-To Resource for Support

We provide information and on-going support to educate and empower students of all ages, preparing them for the demands of college life and setting them on a path to success at IU Bloomington.

We also encourage pre-college students to maximize their potential by connecting them to mentoring resources and other programs that offer key insight on the collegiate experience. Preparing and applying for a postsecondary education can be a challenging exercise, especially for students who would be the first in their family to attend college. Our partnerships with schools and community groups help make it possible for all young scholars, regardless of background, to see themselves thriving at an institution of higher learning.

Visit the Office of Admissions Pre-College Program list to learn more about the many meaningful pre-college programs available at Indiana University.

IU Admissions

What are you doing after high school? Making a decision on where to go to college shouldn’t be scary. Neither should the admissions process. We want to help you with this journey by providing some useful information along the way.

Most of all, we’ll show you what makes our university so special—and why you will want to become part of our Hoosier family!

IUB Admissions 

CSP has helped me reach children and peers with similar backgrounds and tell them about college and my experiences that motivated me to come to IU and stay here. 

Keon Brown, CSP Ambassador

Community Outreach

CSP collaborates with a wide range of university and community partners on programs designed to enhance the college preparatory experiences of students. The relationships we build with our partners and community organizations are the lifeblood of the work that we do.

School Outreach

Take our online guided tour to see and experience IU Bloomington at any time, from any location. Hear from IU students and see 360-degree panorama views of classrooms, residence halls, outdoor spaces, and much more. The beauty and history of our flagship campus is just a click away

IU Scholarships

Scholarships are instrumental in helping students reach their dreams and ambitions. Explore scholarship opportunities.

IU Scholarships